Bert Adams

Spooky-ree 2018

We have registered to attend Spooky-ree the weekend of October 19-21.  Spooky-ree is held at Bert Adams Scout Camp in Covington, GA.  Check back for more information as specific details become available. 

Activities at Spooky-ree include:

All activities are first come, first served. No specific activity tickets or individual start times will be given. To support the excitement around Archery and BB shooting there will be between 48-64 lanes of shooting offered continuously throughout each Saturday! To support our Rangemasters, the ranges will close off the line at 11:45am for lunch and 5:00pm for the day.

  • Fall Festival- Featuring inflatables, games and face painting!
  • BB Shooting- Take aim at our shooting range.
  • Bows & Arrows- Can you hit the bull's eye?
  • Slingshots- Grab a "wrist rocket" and see if you can hit the target!
  • Pumpkins- Every Scout and sibling gets a pumpkin! 2nd graders and youngers decorate their pumpkins and 3rd graders and older can carve with adult supervision.
  • Letters to the Troops- Write a letter to a US service man or woman who is deployed so that they can receive it on Thanksgiving.
  • Creepy Crawly Nature Show- Learn about the things that go bump in the night (aka. spiders, snakes).
  • Guided Nature Hike- Camp staff will guide you on a trail to see wildlife, plant life, and explore our ecosystem.
  • Field Sports- Learn the rules and play a sport!
  • Scavenger Hunt- Explore our camp and see how many items you can find.
  • Council Fire- Make s'mores and learn about Cub Scout summer camps!
  • Campfire- Experience a real Scout campfire program in the huge amphitheatre.
  • Trick-or-Treat Trail- Put on your costume and Trick-or-Treat on our slightly spooky trail.
  • Haunted Trail- A slightly spook trail for Scouts and sibling 3rd grade and younger. 
  • Super Haunted Trail- The most haunted trail that is complete with a ghost pirate ship, cemetery, and zombies! Recommended for Scouts and siblings 3rd grade and older.
  • Cub Mobile Racing - Sponsored by NAPA AutoCare Atlanta. Feel the thrill and excitement of racing our Cub Mobiles

Spookyree Update

Parking Pass - Green Lot

Campsite Location

Health Forms

Sign Up to Help

Hello Pack 608,

We are less than a week out from Spooky-Ree!!!!  Please see the attachments for our Pack campsite and parking lot assignment.  You must print out the parking pass and bring it with you to Bert Adams.  You will show this at the checkpoint driving into Bert Adams and then once you park you should leave it on your dash board. 

If you are arriving on Saturday you will park in the Red Parking lot, but you should still print and bring the Green Parking Lot Pass.

We are still missing updated Health forms from many campers.  We must have a health form on file for every member of your family that is camping with us and they must be updated every year.  If you haven't already, please print and fill out a new health form. I have attached a copy for your convenience.  We will be collecting these at sign in. Health Form Part A & B  

There are still lots of of volunteer opportunities for this weekend.  Please sign up to help if you haven't already.  Spooky-Ree Sign Up

Every scout and parent is expected to help cook and clean up. Please see the specific assignments below.    

Meal and Clean Up Assignments (cooks should report 60-90 mins before meal time) 

7:00 AM Saturday Breakfast:      Cooks/Servers: Bears 1*/AOL (5:30AM)        Clean up: Bears 2*/Webelo  

12:30 PM Saturday Lunch:         Cooks/Servers: Tigers (11:00AM)                   Clean up: Wolves 

5:30 PM Saturday Dinner:          Cooks/Servers: Bears 2/Webelo  (4:00 PM)   Clean up: Bears 1/AOL

7:00 AM Sunday Breakfast:        Cooks/Servers: Wolves (6:00 AM)                   Clean up :Tigers 

Dens assigned to clean up duty will be allowed to line up first for that meal.

P.S.  Don't forget Candy (no peanuts/treenuts) for the Trick or Treat trail. 

The following is update information from Bert Adams

Subject: Spooky-Ree Weekend #1 Update

We are just under a week away from your Spooky-Ree Weekend and we wanted to send you an event update. A map of the camp and an activity schedule are attached for your convenience. Please send this along to all adults attending camp with you.

Arrival & Check-In:

Families may begin arriving at 5:00pm on Friday.  Campsites assignments will be emailed out soon and all families may proceed directly to the campsite when they arrive.

Please choose 1 person from your Pack to check-in for all families that are attending.  This person will confirm number of participants, turn in a roster (REQUIRED), and collect all meal tickets, t-shirts, and patches.  This Check-In will be done in the Camp Staff HQ next to the Red Lot for those that are arriving on Friday, and in the Camp Office for those arriving on Saturday.

Medical forms need to be brought to camp and held by your Pack for each person at camp with you, this includes all adults and siblings. They will be brought to the Health Lodge should someone need attention. A copy of the health form is available at


If you or anyone in your unit is a trained Rangemaster and is willing to volunteer for a half day (8AM-12PM or 2PM-5PM) they will receive a complimentary staff hat and a special ghosted Spooky-Ree patch! They will need to provide proof of their training at check-in. The more Rangemasters we have, the more people we can allow to shoot at a time, and thus the quicker the line will move! Please email if you or anyone in your unit is interested so we can set a hat and patch aside for them.

Youth Protection Standards:

Some parents and leaders may not be aware of the Youth Protections Standards in regards to sleeping arrangements. It is very important that we follow these policies at all times. They are there for the safety of your youth.

When making sleeping arrangements, families may share a tent. No youth may be in the tent of a youth of the opposite gender or any adult they are not related to. The other option is all adult males together (18+), all adult females together (18+), all youth males together, all youth female together. This is a National Policy and must be in place in all Scouting activities.

Restroom Facilities:

Most of our restroom facilities are individual stalls though we do have two facilities on either side of the Gorman Field that are not. Each restroom will have signage for who should be allowed those facilities. We need your help to make sure the separate accommodations are maintained and we will insure the proper signage is posted. Please make sure your youth and families are using the correct facilities to adhere to Youth Protection standards.

Cool Weather Camping:

The temperatures during the day should be good in the mid 70s, but the nights could drop as low as the low 50s. Please come prepared with additional dry clothes and bedding in case the weather is cooler than you planned. Wearing closed-toed shoes will help not only with the cool weather, but keep your feet safe from the environment, too.


All parking is assigned.  Your final email update will contain campsite assignments and a parking pass, emailed out Wednesday afternoon.  When you receive it, please forward this parking pass to anyone that is coming from your pack and ask them to print it.  They should have it ready when they arrive at the vehicle check-in. Those attending only on Saturday will park in the RED Lot. Please do not leave vehicles parked at the campsite. All vehicles must be moved to a designated parking lot after you unload your supplies. Please try to not stay parked in the campsite over 15 minutes in order to allow others to unload their gear.

Saturday Arrivals:

All vehicle travel throughout camp will be strictly limited from 7am-5:30pm on Saturday.  Any families that arrive on Saturday must park in the RED lot.  They may either hike gear in to the camp, or drive in a vehicle after 5:30pm to their campsite to unload and then to their designated lot.

Schedules, Menus, & Updates:

As items relating to the event are finalized, they have been posted to Attached is the up-to-date schedule including a map of the camp with the location of the activities.


You will receive a pumpkin for every paid youth participant.  All children may decorate their pumpkins (carving only for 3rd grade or above children).  Please bring your own supplies for decoration and/or carving; carving supplies should be child-safe saws and tools only and you will carve in your campsite. We will provide markers for decorating. Limited carving supplies may be available in the Camp Trading Post, open on Saturday. 


As part of the Saturday night activities Trick-or-Treating party will be available for all youth and they are encouraged to bring a costume to wear.  Every Pack is asked to set-up a Trick-or-Treating station with the candy and decorations.  Please do not bring candy that contains peanuts. Please bring 10-15 pieces per youth your unit/family is bringing. This event is what you make it! Get in the spirit of the event by creating a spooky habitat. Please email if you will be setting up a table as we will be making table assignments to allow for easy traffic flow. Prizes are available for the best booth! If you would like to use lights at your station we will be able to provide access to electricity, but we need to know in advance. Station locations are first emailed first choice. Please plan on beginning set up after dinner so we are ready for the spooky event at 8PM!

Costume Contest:

There will be a costume contest during the Saturday evening activities. Anyone in costume is welcome to participate, and there will be a separate adult contest.


Please check our twitter account for updates on wait times and other opportunities. @bertadamssc