Every Parent Leads
Pack 608 is a completely volunteer-run program. It is the expectation of the pack that, “Every Parent Leads”. This does not mean that every parent must be a registered leader, but we need non-leader parents to take the lead on planning some of the events. It can be as simple as helping with a den meeting, planning a weekend hike, decorating for a special event, or helping to set up a popcorn sale. All the leaders are busy and some even travel. Planning or coordinating events can often be done via email and texts. We need your help to make our pack family as strong as possible for our Scouts.
Big Trip Coordinator - Plan the details for our Big Trip in March. This is a moderate time commitment, but is spread out over several months.
Training Coordinator - Ensure all leader are fully trained. Low time commitment.
Membership Coordinator - Ensure all membership information is entered into Scoutbook and is up-to-date. Low time commitment except during recruitment periods which increases to a moderate time commitment for a short period of time.
Webmaster - Keep the website up-to-date. Low time commitment.
Monthly Hike Coordinator - Coordinate short hikes at our local parks. Low time commitment.