Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) and Internet (JOTI)

On October 21st, (9 AM - 3:30 PM) we have the opportunity to participate in the 60th annual Jamboree on the Air/Jamboree on the Internet.  This is a free event that all Scouts (Cub, Girl, Boy, Venturers, and more) can participate in.  

There will be a JOTA site set up at the VFW post in Lawrenceville.  They will have all of the equipment set up so we can participate in JOTA.  The event runs from 9 AM - 3:30 PM and you may arrive whenever you like and stay for as long as you like.  To talk to Scouts in Europe it is recommended to arrive earlier in the morning.  In the afternoon it will mostly be Scouts in North America that will be participating.  

For those that would like to participate in the Jamboree on the Internet (JOTI), you may do so on your own (or get a group of people in your den to participate together).  JOTI runs all weekend so you can have other opportunities to participate.  We are registered and our pack's JID is 6US30G.  You do not need to register yourself separately for a JID (they issue 1 per unit).   

Participation in JOTA/JOTI is one of the requirements for the for the International Spirit Award.  

I chose this as my diversity goal for my Wood Badge ticket, and this event will complete my Wood Badge ticket (more on that later).  I hope we have a good turnout for the event and everybody has a good time.

Resources for the event can be found here.  The JOTA/JOTI website is here.
